Carolina Municipal Fiscal Health

Data for year: 2021. Municipalities with available data: 78

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 20 of 78
Population 153,505

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 347,816,274
Current liabilities $ 41,402,070
Balance long term debt $ 283,986,233
Total assets $ 2,301,730,191
Total unrestricted net position $ -213,576,140
General revenues $ 143,052,612
Change in net assets $ 124,273,079
General fund revenues $ 117,895,664
Government fund expenditures $ 103,860,097
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ 14,035,567
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ -4,625,517
End of year fund balance (GF) $ 13,835,945
Debt service expenditures $ 34,302,635
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 5,865,385
Fund balance all funds $ 154,754,986

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) -3.9% (59 of 78)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) 13.3% (38 of 78)
Current assets per capita $ 2,266 (3 of 78)
Current assets / Current liabilities 8.40 (10 of 78)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 1,850 (69 of 78)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 97.2% (42 of 78)
Debt service expenditures annual income 12.4% (67 of 78)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues 11.9% (12 of 78)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund 86.9% (1 of 78)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ 1,008 (7 of 78)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities 54.5% (26 of 78)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 5.0% (8 of 78)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets -9.3% (12 of 78)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

Fund Balances end of fiscal year 13,835,945 140,919,041 154,754,986


Property taxes 45,354,899 31,646,970 77,001,869
Volume of business taxes 30,953,127 0 30,953,127
Sales taxes 20,278,394 4,100,000 24,378,394
Construction excise and permits 4,316,634 0 4,316,634
Fines and forfeitures 186,681 13,681 200,362
Federal grants 7,156,902 120,295,076 127,451,978
Interest income 167,109 3,943 171,052
Intergovermental grants 5,865,385 0 5,865,385
Rents and charges for services 3,177,458 1,085,065 4,262,523
Landfill and recycling 439,075 0 439,075
Other 0 1,095,812 1,095,812
Total Revenues 117,895,664 158,240,547 276,136,211


General Goverment 45,258,163 0 45,258,163
Public safety 19,374,140 7,934,744 27,308,884
Public works, streets and transportation 7,984,637 7,190,564 15,175,201
Sanitation 15,571,142 0 15,571,142
Health 3,120,547 0 3,120,547
Recreations and sports 3,697,103 241,497 3,938,600
Education and training 1,661,028 13,300,812 14,961,840
Housing and buildings 3,776,103 6,267,510 10,043,613
Economic development 0 962,349 962,349
Welfare 3,417,234 1,081,980 4,499,214
Employment opportunity 0 2,731,115 2,731,115
Debt service payments: Principal 0 24,772,000 24,772,000
Debt service payments: Interest 0 9,530,635 9,530,635
Total expenditures 103,860,097 74,013,206 177,873,303

Surplus / (Deficit)

Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures 14,035,567 84,227,341 98,262,908

Data for year: 2020. Municipalities with available data: 72

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 45 of 72
Population 154,815
Area square miles 45
Number of public employees 1,894
Mayor's annual salary $ 98,400

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 147,229,993
Current liabilities $ 73,407,470
Balance long term debt $ 273,775,936
Total assets $ 2,143,364,544
Total unrestricted net position $ -9,232,550
General revenues $ 136,935,594
Change in net assets $ 15,548,148
General fund revenues $ 113,370,063
Government fund expenditures $ 109,190,005
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ 4,180,058
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ 5,892,519
End of year fund balance (GF) $ 18,461,462
Debt service expenditures $ 38,990,869
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 5,916,060
Fund balance all funds $ 49,517,078

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) 5.2% (27 of 72)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) 16.9% (30 of 72)
Current assets per capita $ 951 (15 of 72)
Current assets / Current liabilities 2.01 (47 of 72)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 1,768 (65 of 72)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 64.3% (60 of 72)
Debt service expenditures annual income 22.2% (71 of 72)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues 3.7% (18 of 72)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund 11.4% (20 of 72)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ 320 (27 of 72)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities 18.1% (45 of 72)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 5.2% (4 of 72)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets -0.4% (16 of 72)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

Fund balance at end of year 18,461,462 31,055,616 49,517,078


Property Taxes 45,232,400 29,180,627 74,413,027
Volume of Business Taxes 30,547,390 0 30,547,390
Sales taxes 17,452,069 2,976,393 20,428,462
Construction excise and permits 3,151,822 0 3,151,822
Fines and forfeitures 390,775 5,650 396,425
Federal Grants 4,109,927 28,118,957 32,228,884
Interest income 733,597 3,446 737,043
Intergovermental grants 5,916,060 0 5,916,060
Rental income and charges for services 5,494,563 2,046,340 7,540,903
Landfill and Recycling 341,460 0 341,460
Other 0 232,644 232,644
Total Revenues 113,370,063 62,564,057 175,934,120


General government 45,115,541 0 45,115,541
Public safety 22,271,082 1,583,418 23,854,500
Public works, streets and transportation 7,569,628 5,331,098 12,900,726
Sanitation 18,263,865 0 18,263,865
Health 1,560,273 0 1,560,273
Recreations and sports 4,481,222 721,131 5,202,353
Education and training 2,370,245 9,897,682 12,267,927
Housing and buildings 4,022,256 5,828,179 9,850,435
Economic development 0 687,808 687,808
Welfare 3,535,893 1,074,848 4,610,741
Employment opportunity 0 2,690,957 2,690,957
Debt service - Principal 0 26,478,000 26,478,000
Debt service - Interest 0 12,512,869 12,512,869
Total expenditures 109,190,005 66,805,990 175,995,995

Surplus / (Deficit)

Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenditures 4,180,058 -4,241,933 -61,875

Data for year: 2019. Municipalities with available data: 71

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 36 of 71
Population 146,984
Area square miles 45
Unemployment rate 5.8%
Mayor's annual salary $ 98,400

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 164,765,969
Current liabilities $ 53,091,407
Balance long term debt $ 622,797,188
Total assets $ 2,131,947,289
Total net position $ 1,460,549,622
Total unrestricted net position $ -288,750,443
General revenues $ 148,623,417
Change in net assets $ 13,956,047
General fund revenues $ 116,346,204
Government fund expenditures $ 191,102,077
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ 6,755,427
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ -548,629
End of year fund balance (GF) $ 12,568,943
Debt service expenditures $ 41,593,252
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 12,941,122
Fund balance all funds $ 46,488,053

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) -0.5% (60 of 71)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) 11.5% (36 of 71)
Current assets per capita $ 1,121 (10 of 71)
Current assets / Current liabilities 3.10 (35 of 71)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 4,237 (70 of 71)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 18.7% (65 of 71)
Debt service expenditures annual income 22.5% (44 of 71)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues 5.8% (26 of 71)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund 12.0% (38 of 71)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ 316 (24 of 71)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities 7.5% (44 of 71)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 11.1% (19 of 71)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets 0.4% (25 of 71)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

Fund balance (deficit) at end of fiscal year 12,568,943 33,919,110 46,488,053


Property taxes 41,235,387 35,497,009 76,732,396
Volume of business tax 29,247,938 0 29,247,938
Sales and use tax 20,332,643 3,769,918 24,102,561
Construction excise and permits 3,918,277 0 3,918,277
Fines and forfeitures 357,095 7,527 364,622
Federal grants and contributions 1,666,331 25,337,907 27,004,238
Interest and other 10,006 1,687 11,693
Intergovernmental grants and contributions 12,941,122 0 12,941,122
Charge for services 5,345,625 2,429,708 7,775,333
Landfill 322,590 0 322,590
Rent 36,763 485,378 522,141
Other 932,427 1,139,449 2,071,876
Total revenues 116,346,204 68,668,583 185,014,787


General government 56,484,021 0 56,484,021
Public safety 16,020,774 6,656,208 22,676,982
Public works 7,145,454 7,054,320 14,199,774
Health and Sanitation 17,217,866 0 17,217,866
Health and welfare 0 0 0
Recreation and sports 2,782,268 1,675,970 4,458,238
Education 2,608,983 10,272,201 12,881,184
Housing 3,830,340 6,217,474 10,047,814
Economic Development 0 3,052,373 3,052,373
Human Service and welfare 3,501,071 2,033,149 5,534,220
Debt service: Principal 0 26,732,000 26,732,000
Debt service: Interest 0 14,861,252 14,861,252
Total expenditures 109,590,777 81,511,300 191,102,077

Surplus / (Deficit)

Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures 6,755,427 -12,842,717 -6,087,290

Data for year: 2018. Municipalities with available data: 72

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 54 of 72
Population 147,661
Area square miles 45
Number of public employees 1,814
Unemployment rate 6.9%
Mayor's annual salary $ 98,400

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 179,103,583
Current liabilities $ 95,327,998
Balance long term debt $ 624,640,550
Total assets $ 2,206,128,749
Total net position $ 1,441,788,646
Total unrestricted net position $ -233,457,538
General revenues $ 141,303,183
Change in net assets $ -16,207,516
General fund revenues $ 128,482,217
Government fund expenditures $ 196,403,510
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ 2,506,684
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ 2,172,222
End of year fund balance (GF) $ 13,117,572
Debt service expenditures $ 40,464,868
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 14,783,808
Fund balance all funds $ 47,083,064

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) 1.7% (43 of 72)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) 10.4% (23 of 72)
Current assets per capita $ 1,213 (9 of 72)
Current assets / Current liabilities 1.88 (47 of 72)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 2,223 (4 of 72)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 56.8% (63 of 72)
Debt service expenditures annual income 21.7% (2 of 72)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues 2.0% (40 of 72)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund -11.5% (62 of 72)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ 319 (25 of 72)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities 14.3% (47 of 72)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 11.5% (60 of 72)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets 2.9% (19 of 72)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

Fund balance (deficit) at end of fiscal year 13,117,572 33,965,492 47,083,064


Property taxes 39,829,906 25,239,190 65,069,096
Volume of business tax 28,852,057 0 28,852,057
Sales and use tax 18,586,484 7,520,300 26,106,784
Construction excise and permits 5,778,183 0 5,778,183
Fines and forfeitures 248,697 11,022 259,719
Federal grants and contributions 17,129,232 25,247,035 42,376,267
Interest and other 75,724 4,034 79,758
Intergovernmental grants and contributions 14,783,808 0 14,783,808
Charge for services 2,168,137 1,738,568 3,906,705
Landfill 536,638 0 536,638
Rent 83,791 309,776 393,567
Other 409,560 1,147,730 1,557,290
Total revenues 128,482,217 61,217,655 189,699,872


General government 50,390,797 0 50,390,797
Public safety 30,047,820 3,643,208 33,691,028
Public works 8,346,360 6,230,472 14,576,832
Health and Sanitation 17,691,663 0 17,691,663
Health and welfare 7,889,022 0 7,889,022
Recreation and sports 2,505,212 1,280,689 3,785,901
Education 2,552,040 9,521,725 12,073,765
Housing 2,945,423 5,537,092 8,482,515
Economic Development 0 2,140,396 2,140,396
Human Service and welfare 3,607,196 955,228 4,562,424
Debt service 0 0 0
Principal 0 25,956,000 25,956,000
Interest and other 0 14,508,868 14,508,868
Total expenditures 125,975,533 70,427,977 196,403,510

Surplus / (Deficit)

Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures 2,506,684 -9,210,322 -6,703,638

Data for year: 2017. Municipalities with available data: 64

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 45 of 64
Population 154,489
Number of public employees 1,872
Unemployment rate 6.7%
Mayor's annual salary $ 98,400

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 155,529,891
Current liabilities $ 66,230,723
Balance long term debt $ 349,921,110
Total assets $ 2,135,005,811
Total net position $ 1,681,767,951
Total unrestricted net position $ 7,248,563
General revenues $ 130,189,480
Change in net assets $ -19,797,579
General fund revenues $ 120,065,384
Government fund expenditures $ 203,953,773
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ -767,365
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ -7,093,038
End of year fund balance (GF) $ 10,945,350
Debt service expenditures $ 40,659,161
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 14,991,421
Fund balance all funds $ 51,710,219

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) -5.9% (36 of 64)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) 9.1% (20 of 64)
Current assets per capita $ 1,007 (9 of 64)
Current assets / Current liabilities 2.35 (33 of 64)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 2,265 (16 of 64)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 37.2% (36 of 64)
Debt service expenditures annual income 22.8% (2 of 64)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues -0.6% (21 of 64)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund -16.5% (50 of 64)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ 335 (19 of 64)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities 14.8% (25 of 64)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 12.5% (48 of 64)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets 0.3% (13 of 64)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures -767,365 -25,139,670 -25,907,035


Property taxes 49,278,090 29,619,689 78,897,779
Landfill 962,621 0 962,621
Rent 79,040 2,118,165 2,197,205
Other 743,714 1,026,317 1,770,031
Licenses, permit and fines 28,505,841 0 28,505,841
Sales and use tax 19,221,046 2,985,327 22,206,373
Construction excise and permits 2,590,981 0 2,590,981
Fines and forfeitures 329,225 9,220 338,445
Federal grants and contributions 0 21,379,874 21,379,874
Interest and other 204,104 6,123 210,227
Intergovernmental grants and contributions 14,991,421 28,946 15,020,367
Charge for services 3,159,301 807,693 3,966,994
Total revenues 120,065,384 57,981,354 178,046,738


General government 51,068,863 0 51,068,863
Human Service and welfare 4,471,560 1,213,326 5,684,886
Economic Development 0 2,648,965 2,648,965
Debt service: Principal 0 27,757,500 27,757,500
Debt service: Interest 0 12,901,661 12,901,661
Public safety 15,496,147 115,056 15,611,203
Public works 8,810,816 17,793,989 26,604,805
Health and Sanitation 21,166,253 0 21,166,253
Health and welfare 7,889,022 0 7,889,022
Recreation and sports 3,716,560 2,481,653 6,198,213
Education 3,762,748 9,286,458 13,049,206
Housing 4,450,780 6,949,481 11,400,261
Total expenditures 120,832,749 83,121,024 203,953,773

Surplus / (Deficit)

Fund balance (deficit) at end of fiscal year 10,945,350 40,764,869 51,710,219

Data for year: 2016. Municipalities with available data: 68

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 34 of 68
Population 158,457
Number of public employees 2,009
Unemployment rate 8.6%
Mayor's annual salary $ 98,400

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 199,584,456
Current liabilities $ 73,395,504
Balance long term debt $ 367,279,728
Total assets $ 2,172,459,014
Total unrestricted net position $ 10,094,946
General revenues $ 154,767,257
Change in net assets $ -1,916,550
General fund revenues $ 119,410,506
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ -3,672,577
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ 2,222,641
End of year fund balance (GF) $ 18,038,388
Debt service expenditures $ 38,465,007
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 11,307,196
Fund balance all funds $ 98,505,612

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) 1.9% (25 of 68)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) 14.7% (23 of 68)
Current assets per capita $ 1,260 (8 of 68)
Current assets / Current liabilities 2.72 (39 of 68)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 2,318 (5 of 68)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 42.1% (61 of 68)
Debt service expenditures annual income 24.9% (3 of 68)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues -3.1% (40 of 68)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund -1.2% (34 of 68)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ 622 (8 of 68)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities 26.8% (32 of 68)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 9.5% (61 of 68)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets 0.5% (13 of 68)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

Fund balance (deficit) at end of fiscal year 18,038,388 80,467,224 98,505,612


Property taxes 49,852,213 35,265,026 85,117,239
Licenses, permit and fines 28,588,865 0 28,588,865
Sales and use tax 19,911,478 4,426,572 24,338,050
Construction excise and permits 4,418,943 0 4,418,943
Fines and forfeitures 213,708 19,550 233,258
Federal grants and contributions 0 17,591,299 17,591,299
Interest and other 302,765 9,878 312,643
Intergovernmental grants and contributions 11,307,196 0 11,307,196
Charge for services 2,839,381 1,032,425 3,871,806
Landfill 1,025,898 0 1,025,898
Rent 118,200 2,558,450 2,676,650
Other 831,859 1,120,488 1,952,347
Total revenues 119,410,506 62,023,688 181,434,194


General government 52,593,071 0 52,593,071
Public safety 16,517,645 73,142 16,590,787
Public works 8,099,382 18,904,003 27,003,385
Health and Sanitation 20,795,178 0 20,795,178
Health and welfare 7,889,305 0 7,889,305
Recreation and sports 3,901,152 2,949,289 6,850,441
Education 4,245,324 9,602,772 13,848,096
Housing 4,438,723 6,370,801 10,809,524
Economic Development 0 2,131,344 2,131,344
Human Service and welfare 4,603,303 1,373,382 5,976,685
Debt service: Principal 0 25,695,000 25,695,000
Debt service: Interest 0 12,770,007 12,770,007
Total expenditures 123,083,083 85,077,750 208,160,833

Surplus / (Deficit)

Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures -3,672,577 -23,054,062 -26,726,639

Data for year: 2015. Municipalities with available data: 75

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 38 of 75
Population 161,884
Area square miles 48
Number of public employees 2,316
Unemployment rate 8.9%
Mayor's annual salary $ 98,400

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 211,941,166
Current liabilities $ 94,720,418
Balance long term debt $ 380,233,649
Total assets $ 2,175,089,869
Total net position $ 1,704,378,827
Total unrestricted net position $ 31,330,010
General revenues $ 171,392,176
Change in net assets $ -4,371,399
General fund revenues $ 132,924,724
Government fund expenditures $ 241,706,621
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ -2,386,393
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ 242,038
End of year fund balance (GF) $ 15,815,747
Debt service expenditures $ 37,139,500
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 15,902,182
Fund balance all funds $ 121,128,047

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) 0.2% (51 of 75)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) 6.5% (27 of 75)
Current assets per capita $ 1,309 (7 of 75)
Current assets / Current liabilities 2.24 (51 of 75)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 2,349 (4 of 75)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 45.1% (58 of 75)
Debt service expenditures annual income 21.7% (7 of 75)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues -1.8% (44 of 75)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund -2.6% (43 of 75)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ 748 (5 of 75)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities 31.9% (32 of 75)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 12.0% (66 of 75)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets 1.4% (10 of 75)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

Fund balance (deficit) at end of fiscal year 15,815,747 105,312,300 121,128,047


Property taxes 50,578,269 28,555,165 79,133,434
Licenses, permit and fines 31,910,998 0 31,910,998
Sales and use tax 21,418,823 3,701,917 25,120,740
Federal grants and contributions 0 19,662,340 19,662,340
Intergovernmental grants and contributions 15,902,182 0 15,902,182
Construction excise and permits 7,726,276 0 7,726,276
Charge for services 2,981,520 1,457,124 4,438,644
Other 443,270 3,047,577 3,490,847
Rent 124,000 1,249,308 1,373,308
Interest and other 935,550 16,985 952,535
Landfill 677,610 0 677,610
Fines and forfeitures 226,226 12,228 238,454
Total revenues 132,924,724 57,702,644 190,627,368


Economic Development 0 6,394,098 2,006,895
General government 58,170,372 0 58,170,372
Public works 9,940,134 38,643,219 48,583,353
Principal 0 25,581,000 25,581,000
Health and Sanitation 23,444,842 1,026,765 24,471,607
Interest and other 0 11,558,500 11,558,500
Public safety 16,667,871 223,097 16,890,968
Education 4,348,146 9,361,680 13,709,826
Housing 5,744,701 7,177,947 12,922,648
Health and welfare 7,885,802 0 7,885,802
Recreation and sports 4,427,103 3,084,575 7,511,678
Human Service and welfare 4,682,146 1,337,728 6,019,874
Total expenditures 135,311,117 106,395,504 241,706,621

Surplus / (Deficit)

Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures -2,386,393 -48,692,860 -51,079,253

Data for year: 2014. Municipalities with available data: 78

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 46 of 78
Population 165,820
Area square miles 48
Number of public employees 1,984
Unemployment rate 9.8%
Mayor's annual salary $ 98,400
Number of years in office 8

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 232,650,372
Current liabilities $ 59,005,106
Balance long term debt $ 404,787,367
Total assets $ 2,183,312,561
Total net position $ 1,714,590,403
Total unrestricted net position $ 25,563,657
General revenues $ 175,815,119
Change in net assets $ 4,572,052
General fund revenues $ 133,115,091
Government fund expenditures $ 138,899,392
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ -5,784,301
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ -7,113,273
End of year fund balance (GF) $ 15,573,709
Debt service expenditures $ 36,222,367
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 18,871,468
Fund balance all funds $ 149,852,562

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) -5.3% (71 of 78)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) 11.2% (25 of 78)
Current assets per capita $ 1,403 (5 of 78)
Current assets / Current liabilities 3.94 (27 of 78)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 2,441 (5 of 78)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 43.4% (69 of 78)
Debt service expenditures annual income 20.6% (9 of 78)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues -4.3% (59 of 78)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund 2.6% (46 of 78)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ 904 (4 of 78)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities 37.0% (30 of 78)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 14.2% (70 of 78)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets 1.2% (7 of 78)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

Long term debt 420,537,765 0 0
Fund balance (deficit) at end of fiscal year 15,573,709 134,278,853 149,852,562


Federal grants and contributions 0 20,600,875 20,600,875
Intergovernmental grants and contributions 18,871,468 1,082,680 19,954,148
Construction excise and permits 6,424,631 0 6,424,631
Other Revenue 429,937 2,419,644 2,849,581
Charge for services 2,557,060 0 2,557,060
Rent 262,461 679,560 942,021
Landfill 853,851 0 853,851
Interest and other 597,341 46,809 644,150
Fines and forfeitures 155,384 82,950 238,334
Property taxes 51,760,828 31,412,984 83,173,812
Licenses, permit and fines 31,166,580 0 31,166,580
Sales and use tax 20,035,550 3,343,399 23,378,949
Total revenues 133,115,091 59,668,901 192,783,992


Health and Sanitation 7,885,802 1,188,983 7,885,802
Public safety 18,736,643 156,896 18,893,539
Education 5,213,124 8,757,091 13,970,215
Housing 4,450,843 9,480,165 13,931,008
Interest and other 0 11,727,677 11,727,677
Culture and recreation 5,086,512 3,305,705 8,392,217
Human Service and welfare 4,809,230 841,911 5,651,141
Training and employment 0 2,231,373 2,231,373
Economic Development 0 1,697,929 1,697,929
General government 54,281,104 0 54,281,104
Public works 17,809,262 26,844,475 44,653,737
Principal 0 24,494,690 24,494,690
Total expenditures 138,899,392 90,726,895 229,626,287

Surplus / (Deficit)

Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures -5,784,301 -31,057,994 -36,842,295

Data for year: 2013. Municipalities with available data: 78

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 32 of 78
Population 168,611
Area square miles 48
Number of public employees 1,984
Unemployment rate 9.5%
Mayor's annual salary $ 98,400
Number of years in office 8

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 212,806,312
Current liabilities $ 76,839,382
Balance long term debt $ 386,173,379
Total assets $ 2,154,757,869
Total net position $ 1,710,110,806
Total unrestricted net position $ 5,789,806
General revenues $ 166,158,300
Change in net assets $ -5,615,964
General fund revenues $ 130,138,322
Government fund expenditures $ 131,371,547
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ -1,233,225
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ -11,105,559
End of year fund balance (GF) $ 21,692,334
Debt service expenditures $ 32,221,030
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 15,426,024
Fund balance all funds $ 133,411,335

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) -8.5% (60 of 78)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) 16.5% (12 of 78)
Current assets per capita $ 1,262 (6 of 78)
Current assets / Current liabilities 2.77 (33 of 78)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 2,290 (6 of 78)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 43.0% (68 of 78)
Debt service expenditures annual income 19.4% (16 of 78)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues -0.9% (33 of 78)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund -3.4% (40 of 78)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ 791 (5 of 78)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities 34.5% (32 of 78)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 11.9% (75 of 78)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets 0.3% (7 of 78)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

Long term debt 362,188,681 0 0
Fund balance (deficit) at end of fiscal year 21,692,334 111,719,001 133,411,335


Federal grants and contributions 0 21,157,030 21,157,030
Intergovernmental grants and contributions 15,426,024 1,611,759 17,037,783
Construction excise and permits 6,760,435 0 6,760,435
Other Revenue 915,334 2,069,957 2,985,291
Charge for services 2,190,993 0 2,190,993
Rent 718,671 742,248 1,460,919
Landfill 871,270 0 871,270
Interest and other 701,915 62,667 764,582
Fines and forfeitures 113,020 51,557 164,577
Property taxes 51,653,660 27,705,215 79,358,875
Licenses, permit and fines 32,163,150 0 32,163,150
Sales and use tax 18,623,850 3,989,456 22,613,306
Total revenues 130,138,322 57,389,889 187,528,211


Principal 0 21,857,200 21,857,200
Public safety 17,230,491 128,063 17,358,554
Housing 5,152,461 9,437,677 14,590,138
Education 5,087,179 9,196,062 14,283,241
Interest and other 0 10,363,830 10,363,830
Culture and recreation 5,925,503 3,270,429 9,195,932
Health and Sanitation 22,243,076 1,458,147 23,701,223
Human Service and welfare 4,896,917 1,553,659 6,450,576
Economic Development 0 2,960,429 2,960,429
Training and employment 0 2,262,143 2,262,143
General government 52,171,273 0 52,171,273
Public works 10,778,845 30,018,514 40,797,359
Total expenditures 131,371,547 92,506,153 223,877,700

Surplus / (Deficit)

Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures -12,332,251 -35,116,264 -36,349,489

Data for year: 2012. Municipalities with available data: 77

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 33 of 77
Population 171,106
Unemployment rate 10.5%

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 217,971,806
Current liabilities $ 95,215,453
Balance long term debt $ 341,061,787
Total assets $ 2,154,488,888
Total net position $ 1,718,211,648
Total unrestricted net position $ 24,896,115
General revenues $ 167,766,571
Change in net assets $ -2,872,673
General fund revenues $ 131,721,885
Government fund expenditures $ 130,145,477
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ 1,576,408
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ -3,458,670
End of year fund balance (GF) $ 32,757,250
Debt service expenditures $ 30,741,981
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 15,338,891
Fund balance all funds $ 140,766,213

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) -2.6% (48 of 77)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) 25.2% (9 of 77)
Current assets per capita $ 1,274 (8 of 77)
Current assets / Current liabilities 2.29 (36 of 77)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 1,993 (8 of 77)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 49.2% (65 of 77)
Debt service expenditures annual income 18.3% (10 of 77)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues 1.2% (25 of 77)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund -1.7% (50 of 77)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ 823 (4 of 77)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities 41.3% (35 of 77)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 11.6% (73 of 77)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets 1.2% (8 of 77)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

No data available


No data available


No data available

Surplus / (Deficit)

No data available

Data for year: 2011. Municipalities with available data: 78

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 41 of 78
Population 173,836
Unemployment rate 12.1%

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 251,132,583
Current liabilities $ 85,162,939
Balance long term debt $ 356,255,409
Total assets $ 2,158,633,301
Total net position $ 1,717,214,953
Total unrestricted net position $ 26,857,795
General revenues $ 159,225,581
Change in net assets $ 1,668,459
General fund revenues $ 128,436,515
Government fund expenditures $ 129,898,931
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ -1,462,416
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ -16,131,877
End of year fund balance (GF) $ 36,215,920
Debt service expenditures $ 29,922,504
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 15,422,815
Fund balance all funds $ 168,985,765

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) -12.6% (73 of 78)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) 27.9% (7 of 78)
Current assets per capita $ 1,445 (5 of 78)
Current assets / Current liabilities 2.95 (30 of 78)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 2,049 (6 of 78)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 44.7% (68 of 78)
Debt service expenditures annual income 18.8% (7 of 78)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues -1.1% (38 of 78)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund 1.0% (52 of 78)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ 972 (3 of 78)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities 47.4% (30 of 78)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 12.0% (72 of 78)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets 1.2% (6 of 78)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

No data available


No data available


No data available

Surplus / (Deficit)

No data available

Data for year: 2010. Municipalities with available data: 78

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 20 of 78
Population 176,421
Unemployment rate 13.0%

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 270,136,078
Current liabilities $ 76,600,576
Balance long term debt $ 356,665,869
Total assets $ 2,146,690,296
Total net position $ 1,713,423,851
Total unrestricted net position $ 95,352,715
General revenues $ 154,664,547
Change in net assets $ 29,834,318
General fund revenues $ 131,156,411
Government fund expenditures $ 134,943,263
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ -3,786,852
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ 5,898,367
End of year fund balance (GF) $ 48,944,615
Debt service expenditures $ 26,704,769
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 16,425,670
Fund balance all funds $ 190,208,578

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) 4.5% (13 of 78)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) 36.3% (5 of 78)
Current assets per capita $ 1,531 (5 of 78)
Current assets / Current liabilities 3.53 (20 of 78)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 2,022 (5 of 78)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 43.4% (72 of 78)
Debt service expenditures annual income 17.3% (8 of 78)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues -2.9% (47 of 78)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund 19.3% (18 of 78)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ 1,078 (3 of 78)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities 53.3% (24 of 78)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 12.5% (68 of 78)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets 4.4% (4 of 78)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

No data available


No data available


No data available

Surplus / (Deficit)

No data available