Las Marías Municipal Fiscal Health

Data for year: 2021. Municipalities with available data: 78

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 71 of 78
Population 8,818

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 4,252,446
Current liabilities $ 3,846,575
Balance long term debt $ 11,587,602
Total assets $ 19,892,493
Total unrestricted net position $ -19,622,043
General revenues $ 6,227,475
Change in net assets $ -3,507,763
General fund revenues $ 5,415,249
Government fund expenditures $ 5,679,219
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ -263,970
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ -598,982
End of year fund balance (GF) $ 485,078
Debt service expenditures $ 840,848
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 3,041,367
Fund balance all funds $ -815,450

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) -11.1% (68 of 78)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) 8.5% (42 of 78)
Current assets per capita $ 482 (59 of 78)
Current assets / Current liabilities 1.11 (67 of 78)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 1,314 (57 of 78)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 80.9% (53 of 78)
Debt service expenditures annual income 9.0% (56 of 78)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues -4.9% (40 of 78)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund -56.3% (72 of 78)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ -92 (70 of 78)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities -7.0% (70 of 78)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 56.2% (68 of 78)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets -98.6% (68 of 78)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

Fund Balances at End of Year 485,078 -1,300,528 -815,450


Property taxes 512,517 136,017 648,534
Municipal taxes 76,838 0 76,838
Sales and use tax 713,851 627,929 1,341,780
Construction excise taxes 110,165 0 110,165
Grants 3,041,367 3,147,110 6,188,477
Charges for services 35,894 0 35,894
Interest 0 27 27
Other 924,617 48,258 972,875
Total Revenues 5,415,249 3,959,341 9,374,590


General administration 3,107,311 2,873,983 5,981,294
Public safety 436,670 929,462 1,366,132
Education, culture and recreation 118,938 0 118,938
Urban and economic development 1,088,428 768,586 1,857,014
Health and sanitation 0 0 0
Public housing 479,782 1,134,909 1,614,691
Debt service:Principal 123,486 334,700 458,186
Debt service:Interest 324,604 58,058 382,662
Total expenditures 5,679,219 6,099,698 11,778,917

Surplus / (Deficit)

Excess (deficiency ) of revenues over (under) expenditures -263,970 -2,140,357 -2,404,327

Data for year: 2020. Municipalities with available data: 72

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 65 of 72
Population 8,874
Area square miles 46
Number of public employees 333

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 4,323,623
Current liabilities $ 3,272,440
Balance long term debt $ 9,972,357
Total assets $ 21,330,626
Total unrestricted net position $ -6,761,933
General revenues $ 8,160,152
Change in net assets $ -935,932
General fund revenues $ 7,121,391
Government fund expenditures $ 8,706,181
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ -1,584,790
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ -192,882
End of year fund balance (GF) $ 1,084,060
Debt service expenditures $ 558,459
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 5,733,405
Fund balance all funds $ -147,050

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) -2.7% (48 of 72)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) 12.5% (35 of 72)
Current assets per capita $ 487 (41 of 72)
Current assets / Current liabilities 1.32 (58 of 72)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 1,124 (51 of 72)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 111.6% (26 of 72)
Debt service expenditures annual income 5.0% (17 of 72)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues -22.3% (63 of 72)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund -11.5% (50 of 72)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ -17 (61 of 72)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities -1.5% (61 of 72)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 80.5% (72 of 72)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets -31.7% (56 of 72)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

Fund balance at end of year 1,084,060 -1,231,110 -147,050


Property Taxes 610,103 71,866 681,969
Municipal taxes 150,384 0 150,384
Sales and use tax 483,453 415,832 899,285
Construction Excise Taxes 88,249 0 88,249
Grants 5,733,405 2,849,185 8,582,590
Charges for services 23,480 119,804 143,284
Interest 0 317 317
Other 32,317 550,746 583,063
Total Revenues 7,121,391 4,007,750 11,129,141


General administration 4,263,307 398,912 4,662,219
Public safety 711,166 1,436 712,602
Education, culture and recreation 372,941 0 372,941
Urban and economic development 2,422,499 1,276,788 3,699,287
Health and sanitation 41,258 0 41,258
Public housing 895,010 535,820 1,430,830
Debt Service: Principal 0 322,105 322,105
Debt Service: Interest 0 236,354 236,354
Total expenditures 8,706,181 2,771,415 11,477,596

Surplus / (Deficit)

Excess (deficiency) of revenue over expenditures -1,584,790 1,236,335 -348,455

Data for year: 2019. Municipalities with available data: 71

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 56 of 71
Population 7,927
Area square miles 46
Number of public employees 364
Unemployment rate 10.2%
Mayor's annual salary $ 54,000

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 6,571,435
Current liabilities $ 3,596,158
Balance long term debt $ 34,198,550
Total assets $ 24,274,202
Total net position $ -11,909,839
Total unrestricted net position $ -26,819,200
General revenues $ 8,051,997
Change in net assets $ -889,142
General fund revenues $ 6,707,790
Government fund expenditures $ 10,999,163
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ -920,236
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ 2,400,842
End of year fund balance (GF) $ 1,276,942
Debt service expenditures $ 1,589,209
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 4,903,650
Fund balance all funds $ 201,404

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) 35.8% (6 of 71)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) 16.7% (31 of 71)
Current assets per capita $ 829 (20 of 71)
Current assets / Current liabilities 1.83 (52 of 71)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 4,314 (56 of 71)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 19.6% (41 of 71)
Debt service expenditures annual income 15.5% (36 of 71)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues -13.7% (55 of 71)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund -13.3% (65 of 71)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ 25 (61 of 71)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities 0.6% (60 of 71)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 73.1% (71 of 71)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets -11.9% (43 of 71)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

Fund balance (deficit) at end of fiscal year 1,276,942 -1,075,538 201,404


Property taxes 416,966 185,771 602,737
Municipal taxes 110,897 0 110,897
Sales and use tax 158,858 663,178 822,036
Construction excise and permits 84,010 0 84,010
Grants and contributions 4,903,650 1,742,727 6,646,377
Charge for services 55,705 70,433 126,138
Interest and other 0 12,605 12,605
Other 977,704 852,091 1,829,795
Total revenues 6,707,790 3,526,805 10,234,595


General government 4,565,603 533,405 5,099,008
Public safety 529,691 29,763 559,454
Education 147,686 0 147,686
Urban and economic development 1,037,666 1,018,003 2,055,669
Health and sanitation 862,673 0 862,673
Housing 484,707 200,757 685,464
Debt service: Principal 0 1,228,041 1,228,041
Debt service: Interest 0 361,168 361,168
Total expenditures 7,628,026 3,371,137 10,999,163

Surplus / (Deficit)

Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures -920,236 155,668 -764,568

Data for year: 2018. Municipalities with available data: 72

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 71 of 72
Population 7,961
Area square miles 46
Number of public employees 207
Unemployment rate 13.6%
Mayor's annual salary $ 54,000

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 7,424,654
Current liabilities $ 5,998,421
Balance long term debt $ 32,940,033
Total assets $ 26,131,040
Total net position $ -11,020,697
Total unrestricted net position $ -23,682,944
General revenues $ 6,021,657
Change in net assets $ -3,253,088
General fund revenues $ 5,484,159
Government fund expenditures $ 13,355,525
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ -1,160,155
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ -1,277,798
End of year fund balance (GF) $ -1,123,900
Debt service expenditures $ 880,910
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 4,383,467
Fund balance all funds $ -1,534,028

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) -23.3% (72 of 72)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) -16.9% (49 of 72)
Current assets per capita $ 933 (17 of 72)
Current assets / Current liabilities 1.24 (63 of 72)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 1,133 (24 of 72)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 115.5% (30 of 72)
Debt service expenditures annual income 8.5% (38 of 72)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues -21.2% (71 of 72)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund -54.0% (69 of 72)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ -193 (68 of 72)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities -17.0% (69 of 72)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 79.9% (2 of 72)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets 0.9% (24 of 72)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

Fund balance (deficit) at end of fiscal year -1,123,900 -410,128 -1,534,028


Property taxes 389,252 43,105 432,357
Municipal taxes 123,640 0 123,640
Sales and use tax 450,277 665,227 1,115,504
Construction excise and permits 39,756 0 39,756
Grants and contributions 4,383,467 3,842,920 8,226,387
Charge for services 21,353 3,171 24,524
Interest and other 0 9,398 9,398
Other 76,414 0 76,414
Total revenues 5,484,159 4,563,821 10,047,980


General government 3,638,797 441,154 4,079,951
Public safety 719,677 17,523 737,200
Education 282,878 0 282,878
Urban and economic development 943,877 5,257,031 6,200,908
Health and sanitation 446,151 0 446,151
Housing 353,846 373,681 727,527
Capital outlays 0 0 0
Debt service: Principal 103,227 390,000 493,227
Debt service: Interest 155,861 231,822 387,683
Total expenditures 6,644,314 6,711,211 13,355,525

Surplus / (Deficit)

Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures -1,160,155 -2,147,390 -3,307,545

Data for year: 2016. Municipalities with available data: 68

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 15 of 68
Population 8,645
Number of public employees 307
Unemployment rate 15.7%
Mayor's annual salary $ 60,000

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 4,182,069
Current liabilities $ 1,686,785
Balance long term debt $ 10,630,475
Total assets $ 25,285,693
Total unrestricted net position $ -14,536,573
General revenues $ 8,746,006
Change in net assets $ 312,809
General fund revenues $ 7,439,820
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ -13,157
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ 545,525
End of year fund balance (GF) $ 1,574,226
Debt service expenditures $ 551,217
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 1,100,793
Fund balance all funds $ 2,410,497

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) 7.3% (6 of 68)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) 21.1% (17 of 68)
Current assets per capita $ 484 (33 of 68)
Current assets / Current liabilities 2.48 (43 of 68)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 1,230 (24 of 68)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 82.3% (18 of 68)
Debt service expenditures annual income 6.3% (61 of 68)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues -0.2% (27 of 68)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund 3.6% (26 of 68)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ 279 (30 of 68)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities 22.7% (35 of 68)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 14.8% (52 of 68)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets -57.5% (66 of 68)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

Fund balance (deficit) at end of fiscal year 1,574,226 836,271 2,410,497


Property taxes 5,185,081 184,548 5,369,629
Licenses, permit and fines 111,929 0 111,929
Construction excise and permits 35,811 0 35,811
Sales and use tax 726,616 645,770 1,372,386
Charge for services 49,649 1,111 50,760
Grants and contributions 1,100,793 3,229,936 4,330,729
Interest and other 1,200 3,922 5,122
Miscellaneous 228,741 1,671 230,412
Total revenues 7,439,820 4,066,958 11,506,778


General government 3,848,836 0 3,848,836
Urban and economic development 1,002,063 1,595,063 2,597,126
Public safety 718,757 18,035 736,792
Health and sanitation 467,937 0 467,937
Culture and recreation 226,528 657,157 883,685
Housing 709,572 524,265 1,233,837
Debt service: Principal 154,000 192,000 346,000
Debt service: Interest 93,428 111,789 205,217
Capital outlays 231,856 1,019,381 1,251,237
Total expenditures 7,452,977 4,117,690 11,570,667

Surplus / (Deficit)

Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures -13,157 -50,732 -63,889

Data for year: 2015. Municipalities with available data: 75

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 20 of 75
Population 8,881
Area square miles 47
Number of public employees 326
Unemployment rate 16.9%
Mayor's annual salary $ 60,000

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 3,385,556
Current liabilities $ 770,044
Balance long term debt $ 11,381,486
Total assets $ 24,807,154
Total net position $ 12,655,624
Total unrestricted net position $ -3,770,788
General revenues $ 7,913,660
Change in net assets $ -152,258
General fund revenues $ 6,724,361
Government fund expenditures $ 10,018,451
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ -93,980
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ 191,525
End of year fund balance (GF) $ 1,028,701
Debt service expenditures $ 295,215
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 599,794
Fund balance all funds $ 2,474,386

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) 2.8% (35 of 75)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) 10.3% (25 of 75)
Current assets per capita $ 381 (47 of 75)
Current assets / Current liabilities 4.40 (22 of 75)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 1,282 (23 of 75)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 69.5% (27 of 75)
Debt service expenditures annual income 3.7% (74 of 75)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues -1.4% (43 of 75)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund -1.9% (42 of 75)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ 279 (33 of 75)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities 21.7% (40 of 75)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 8.9% (74 of 75)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets -15.2% (42 of 75)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

Fund balance (deficit) at end of fiscal year 1,028,701 1,445,685 2,474,386


Property taxes 5,216,826 93,064 5,309,890
Grants and contributions 599,794 2,684,766 3,284,560
Sales and use tax 624,943 469,889 1,094,832
Construction excise and permits 121,570 0 121,570
Licenses, permit and fines 109,549 0 109,549
Miscellaneous 26,433 1,234 27,667
Charge for services 23,148 1,072 24,220
Interest and other 2,098 2,281 4,379
Total revenues 6,724,361 3,252,306 9,976,667


General government 3,613,892 21,227 3,635,119
Urban and economic development 1,134,175 985,709 2,119,884
Interest and other 0 111,453 111,453
Principal 0 181,000 181,000
Housing 692,923 495,538 1,188,461
Capital outlays 63,788 1,058,611 1,122,399
Public safety 654,002 33,323 687,325
Culture and recreation 188,003 305,976 493,979
Health and sanitation 471,558 7,273 478,831
Total expenditures 6,818,341 3,200,110 10,018,451

Surplus / (Deficit)

Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures -93,980 52,196 -41,784

Data for year: 2014. Municipalities with available data: 78

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 19 of 78
Population 9,158
Area square miles 47
Number of public employees 205
Unemployment rate 25.2%
Mayor's annual salary $ 60,000
Number of years in office 2

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 3,821,597
Current liabilities $ 974,324
Balance long term debt $ 11,538,956
Total assets $ 25,321,162
Total net position $ 12,807,882
Total unrestricted net position $ -15,030,271
General revenues $ 8,090,604
Change in net assets $ -155,221
General fund revenues $ 7,469,929
Government fund expenditures $ 6,694,848
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ 775,081
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ 995,919
End of year fund balance (GF) $ 837,176
Debt service expenditures $ 598,408
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 1,136,457
Fund balance all funds $ 2,516,170

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) 13.3% (11 of 78)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) 12.5% (24 of 78)
Current assets per capita $ 417 (45 of 78)
Current assets / Current liabilities 3.92 (28 of 78)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 1,260 (24 of 78)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 70.1% (29 of 78)
Debt service expenditures annual income 7.4% (71 of 78)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues 10.4% (12 of 78)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund -1.9% (56 of 78)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ 275 (35 of 78)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities 21.8% (43 of 78)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 15.2% (69 of 78)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets -59.4% (74 of 78)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

Long term debt 11,538,956 0 0
Fund balance (deficit) at end of fiscal year 837,176 1,678,994 2,516,170


Other Revenue 125,148 40 125,188
Licenses, permit and fines 124,662 0 124,662
Construction excise and permits 62,618 0 62,618
Charge for services 23,287 0 23,287
Interest and other 2,927 2,628 5,555
Property taxes 5,280,995 120,636 5,401,631
Federal grants and contributions 1,136,457 2,516,106 3,652,563
Sales and use tax 713,835 521,913 1,235,748
Total revenues 7,469,929 3,161,323 10,631,252


Public safety 766,728 0 766,728
Health and Sanitation 513,677 0 513,677
Principal 0 423,000 423,000
Culture and recreation 258,147 134,026 392,173
Capital outlays 109,747 268,608 378,355
Interest and other 0 175,408 175,408
General government 3,163,459 5,806 3,169,265
Community and economic development 1,168,857 1,734,612 2,903,469
Housing 714,233 560,832 1,275,065
Total expenditures 6,694,848 3,302,292 9,997,140

Surplus / (Deficit)

Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures 775,081 -140,969 634,112

Data for year: 2013. Municipalities with available data: 78

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 59 of 78
Population 9,353
Area square miles 47
Number of public employees 205
Unemployment rate 24.1%
Mayor's annual salary $ 60,000
Number of years in office 2

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 3,784,640
Current liabilities $ 1,458,565
Balance long term debt $ 11,669,072
Total assets $ 26,090,740
Total net position $ 12,963,103
Total unrestricted net position $ -16,099,302
General revenues $ 8,988,649
Change in net assets $ -1,425,254
General fund revenues $ 8,013,656
Government fund expenditures $ 8,645,624
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ -631,968
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ -819,489
End of year fund balance (GF) $ -158,743
Debt service expenditures $ 605,830
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 5,785,831
Fund balance all funds $ 1,882,058

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) -10.2% (67 of 78)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) -1.8% (35 of 78)
Current assets per capita $ 405 (48 of 78)
Current assets / Current liabilities 2.59 (40 of 78)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 1,248 (26 of 78)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 77.0% (24 of 78)
Debt service expenditures annual income 6.7% (72 of 78)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues -7.9% (51 of 78)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund -15.9% (61 of 78)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ 201 (42 of 78)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities 16.1% (49 of 78)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 72.2% (4 of 78)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets -61.7% (75 of 78)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

Long term debt 11,669,072 0 0
Fund balance (deficit) at end of fiscal year -158,743 2,040,801 1,882,058


Property taxes 650,797 124,303 775,100
Construction excise and permits 113,806 510,179 623,985
Licenses, permit and fines 123,449 0 123,449
Other Revenue 25,397 0 25,397
Charge for services 17,325 0 17,325
Interest and other 1,516 5,522 7,038
Federal grants and contributions 5,785,831 3,543,115 9,328,946
Sales and use tax 1,295,535 0 1,295,535
Total revenues 8,013,656 4,183,119 12,196,775


Culture and recreation 465,254 158,347 623,601
Public safety 600,206 12,575 612,781
Principal 0 415,000 415,000
Health and Sanitation 228,679 0 228,679
Interest and other 0 190,830 190,830
Community and economic development 3,318,341 3,022,829 6,341,170
General government 3,212,113 81,972 3,294,085
Housing 509,181 587,544 1,096,725
Capital outlays 311,850 631,381 943,231
Total expenditures 8,645,624 5,100,478 13,746,102

Surplus / (Deficit)

Excess (deficiency) of revenues over (under) expenditures -631,968 -917,359 -1,549,327

Data for year: 2012. Municipalities with available data: 77

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 49 of 77
Population 9,509
Unemployment rate 16.2%

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 5,145,121
Current liabilities $ 1,397,764
Balance long term debt $ 12,205,635
Total assets $ 27,991,756
Total net position $ 14,388,357
Total unrestricted net position $ -5,836,083
General revenues $ 7,808,565
Change in net assets $ -1,378,692
General fund revenues $ 7,203,467
Government fund expenditures $ 7,127,976
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ 75,491
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ 441,054
End of year fund balance (GF) $ 660,746
Debt service expenditures $ 659,399
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 5,482,576
Fund balance all funds $ 3,431,385

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) 6.1% (14 of 77)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) 9.3% (26 of 77)
Current assets per capita $ 541 (34 of 77)
Current assets / Current liabilities 3.68 (18 of 77)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 1,284 (19 of 77)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 64.0% (37 of 77)
Debt service expenditures annual income 8.4% (62 of 77)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues 1.0% (26 of 77)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund -17.7% (73 of 77)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ 361 (30 of 77)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities 28.1% (43 of 77)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 76.1% (2 of 77)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets -20.8% (50 of 77)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

No data available


No data available


No data available

Surplus / (Deficit)

No data available

Data for year: 2011. Municipalities with available data: 78

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 34 of 78
Population 9,679
Unemployment rate 16.8%

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 3,416,388
Current liabilities $ 4,152,015
Balance long term debt $ 11,283,029
Total assets $ 31,202,093
Total net position $ 15,767,049
Total unrestricted net position $ -9,716,441
General revenues $ 8,838,337
Change in net assets $ 1,093,453
General fund revenues $ 7,628,007
Government fund expenditures $ 6,473,277
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ 1,154,730
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ 770,647
End of year fund balance (GF) $ 1,079,692
Debt service expenditures $ 981,159
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 4,899,287
Fund balance all funds $ 5,041,352

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) 10.1% (13 of 78)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) 16.7% (13 of 78)
Current assets per capita $ 353 (60 of 78)
Current assets / Current liabilities 0.82 (73 of 78)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 1,166 (26 of 78)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 78.3% (29 of 78)
Debt service expenditures annual income 11.1% (38 of 78)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues 15.1% (2 of 78)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund 12.4% (31 of 78)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ 521 (20 of 78)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities 44.7% (35 of 78)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 64.2% (8 of 78)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets -31.1% (59 of 78)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

No data available


No data available


No data available

Surplus / (Deficit)

No data available

Data for year: 2010. Municipalities with available data: 78

Financial performance grade

Financial Health Ranking: 52 of 78
Population 9,868
Unemployment rate 18.3%

Financial highlights

Current assets $ 2,093,966
Current liabilities $ 3,189,152
Balance long term debt $ 11,244,217
Total assets $ 29,106,965
Total net position $ 14,673,596
Total unrestricted net position $ -8,278,899
General revenues $ 9,028,294
Change in net assets $ -307,787
General fund revenues $ 7,665,134
Government fund expenditures $ 7,289,687
Excess / Deficiency general fund $ 375,447
Net change in fund balance (GF) $ -73,982
End of year fund balance (GF) $ 309,045
Debt service expenditures $ 836,816
Intergovermental funds (GF) $ 4,875,819
Fund balance all funds $ 5,241,601

Financial indicators

Net change in fund balance / Total revenue (GF) -1.0% (44 of 78)
End of year fund balance (GF) / Total expenditures (FG) 4.2% (30 of 78)
Current assets per capita $ 212 (67 of 78)
Current assets / Current liabilities 0.66 (74 of 78)
Balance long term debt per capita $ 1,139 (22 of 78)
General revenues / Balance long term debt 80.3% (27 of 78)
Debt service expenditures annual income 9.3% (48 of 78)
Excess / Deficiency general fund / Revenues 4.9% (18 of 78)
Change in net assets / Revenues general fund -3.4% (59 of 78)
Fund balance all funds per capita $ 531 (17 of 78)
Fund balance all funds / Long term liabilities 46.6% (32 of 78)
Intergovermental funds (GF) / Revenues (GF) 63.6% (10 of 78)
Total unrestricted net position / Total assets -28.4% (57 of 78)

Financial statements


General Fund

Other Funds

Total Gov. Funds

No data available


No data available


No data available

Surplus / (Deficit)

No data available